Source: BNFP/Precedence.js

"use strict";

/** @fileOverview Implements `class page.BNFP.Precedence`.
  * @author Axel T. Schreiner <>
  * @version 1.5.0

/** Creates a new representation for a list of terminals of equal precedence and associativity.
  * @class Represents a list of terminals of equal precedence and associativity.
  *   Precedences are used in the context of SLR(1) disambiguation.
  * @private
  * @borrows dump as toString
  * @param {string} _assoc associativity, `'left'`, `'right'`, or `'nonassoc'`.
  * @param {page.BNF.T[]} _terminals list of terminals.
  * @property {string} assoc associativity, `'left'`, `'right'`, or `'nonassoc'`.
  * @property {page.BNF.T[]} terminals list of terminals.
  * @see page.SLR1
page.BNFP.Precedence = function (_assoc, _terminals) {
  this.assoc = _assoc;
  this.terminals = _terminals;

page.baseclass(page.BNFP.Precedence, 'page.BNFP.Precedence');

/** Displays associativity and the list of terminals.
  * @returns {string}.
page.BNFP.Precedence.prototype.toString =  function () {
  return '%' + this.assoc + ' ' + this.terminals.join(' ');

/** Displays associativity and the list of terminals.
  * @function
  * @returns {string}.
page.BNFP.Precedence.prototype.dump = page.BNFP.Precedence.prototype.toString;