Source: LL1.js

"use strict";

/** @fileOverview Implements `class page.LL1`.
  * @author Axel T. Schreiner <>
  * @version 1.5.0

/** The result of {@link page.trace}, {@link page.LL1#reflect}, or {@link page.SLR1#reflect}: a function which can observe a parser.
  * @typedef Observer
  * @type {function(number, page.Tuple, string, (page.BNF.Rule|page.BNF.T|string), object): object}
  * @param {number} _at where the parser is, e.g., a rule or state number.
  * @param {page.Tuple} _tuple current input.
  * @param {string} _action `'rule'`, `'shift'`, or `'reduce'` for LL(1),
  *   `'shift'`, `'reduce'`, `'goto'`, or `'accept'` for SLR(1), or `'error'`.
  * @param {page.BNF.Rule|page.BNF.T|number|string} _info a reference to the relevant rule, terminal,
  *   or state number, or an error message.
  * @param {object} _sender of this message, e.g., {@link page.LL1} or {@link page.SLR1}.
  * @returns {object} anything on success.
  * @throws {string|Error} a string with an error message to continue parsing
  *   or an `Error` with an error message to abort further parsing.

/** Builder function implementing a semantic action for {@link page.LL1#reflect} and {@link page.SLR1#reflect}.
  * @typedef Builder
  * @type {function (object[], object, page.Tuple, object) : object}
  * @param {object[]} _values top-level value list, collected for this semantic action.
  * @param {object} _env environment, originally connected to the observer.
  * @param {page.Tuple} _tuple current input.
  * @param {object} _sender of this message, e.g., {@link page.LL1} or {@link page.SLR1}.
  * @returns {object|object[]} a value which will be pushed, or concatenated by the observer.
  * @throws {string|Error} a string with an error message to continue parsing
  *   or an `Error` with an error message to abort further parsing.

/** Wraps a suitable grammar for top-down parsing; checks if a grammar is suitable, i.e., LL(1).
  * @class Tests and wraps a LL(1) grammar for top-down parsing.
  * An object of this class supports one call to a parsing algorithm at any one time.
  * The object is serially reusable.
  * {@link page.LL1#parser} is a recursive parsing algorithm for {@link page.BNF} and {@link page.EBNF} grammars.
  * {@link page.LL1#parse} is a stack-based parsing algorithm for {@link page.BNF} grammars (which can be derived from {@link page.EBNF} grammars).
  * The algorithms have different strategies for error recovery.
  * Either algorithm can pull input from a callback function. Successive pieces of input can be pushed
  * to successive calls of {@link page.LL1#parse}.
  * A BNF grammar undergoes the following tests:
  * | node | check action |
  * |------|--------------|
  * | {@link page.BNF} | delegate to all non-terminals.
  * | {@link page.BNF.NT} | `first` of alternative right-hand sides in rules should be pairwise disjoint, `first` and `follow` should not overlap if empty input is acceptable.
  * | {@link page.BNF.T} | nothing to do.
  * If a non-terminal is defined with left recursion, it will have ambiguous alternatives.
  * Such a grammar should not be used here.
  * An EBNF grammar could be checked by first converting to BNF.
  * However, the following tests relate errors better to the original grammar:
  * | node | check action |
  * |------|--------------|
  * | {@link page.EBNF} | delegate to rules' right-hand sides.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.NT} | `first` and `follow` should not overlap if it accepts empty input.
  * | {@link page.BNF.T } | nothing to do.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Alt} | `first` and `follow` should not overlap if it accepts empty input; `first` of choices should be pairwise disjoint; delegate to choices.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Lst} | `first` and `follow` should not overlap; `first` of body and delimiter should be pairwise disjoint if either accepts empty input; delegate to body and delimiter.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Rep} | `first` and `follow` should not overlap; delegate to body.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Seq} | `first` and `follow` should not overlap if it accepts empty input; delegate to terms.
  * @param {page.BNF|page.EBNF} _grammar to be used for parsing; it should not be left-recursive.
  *   Either grammar is checked whether it is LL(1).
  * @param {Observer} [_observer] to observe recognition.
  * @property {page.BNF} bnf BNF grammar to control recognition.
  * @property {page.EBNF} ebnf EBNF grammar to control recognition, if available.
  * @property {Observer} observer to observe recognition.
  * @property {number} greedy number of `first`/`follow` overlaps,
  *   would be resolved in favor of `first`.
  * @property {number} ambiguous number of `first` overlaps in alternatives
  *   of the same non-terminal, would be resolved in favor of the first alternative
  *   but usually makes the grammar unsuitable because it can indicate left recursion.
  * @property {number} errors counted by {@link page.error} method,
  *   reset just before parsing is started.
  * @property {Array<{rule: page.BNF.Rule, position: number}>} states currently active rules,
  *   exists only while {@link page.LL1#parse} is used.
  * @property {Array<Array<object>>} values currently active value lists,
  *   exists only while {@link page.LL1#reflect} is used.
page.LL1 = function (_grammar, _observer) {
  var self = this;
  self.assert('__WHERE__', _grammar instanceof page.BNF);
  !_observer || self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _observer == 'function');
  self.bnf = undefined;
  self.ebnf = undefined;
  if (_observer) = _observer;
  self.greedy = 0;
  self.ambiguous = 0;
  self.errors = 0;
  if (_grammar instanceof page.EBNF) {
    self.ebnf = _grammar;
    self.bnf = _grammar.bnf;
    // import error count if any
    self.errors = self.ebnf.errors; self.ebnf.errors = 0;

    var visit = function (node) {
      if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Alt) {       // first and follow should not overlap if it accepts empty input
                             // first of choices should be pairwise disjoint
                             // delegate to choices.
        if (node.empty && page.overlap(node.first, node.follow)) {
          self.message(, 'has overlapping first and follow sets (alt)');
          ++ self.greedy;
        // choices disjoint?
        if (node.nodes.some(function (nodeA, a) {
                return node.nodes.slice(a + 1).some(function (nodeB) {
                  return page.overlap(nodeA.first, nodeB.first);
            })) {
          self.message(, 'has ambiguous alternatives (alt)');
          ++ self.ambiguous;

        // choices?
        node.nodes.forEach(function (choice) { visit(choice); });
      else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Lst) {  // first and follow should not overlap
                             // first of descendants should be disjoint if either accepts empty input
                             // delegate to descendants.
        if (page.overlap(node.first, node.follow)) {
          self.message(, 'has overlapping first and follow sets (list)');
          ++ self.greedy;
        if ((node.node.empty || node.delim.empty) && page.overlap(node.node.first, node.delim.first)) {
          self.message(, 'has overlapping body and delimiter');
          ++ self.greedy;
      else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.NT) {   // first and follow should not overlap if it accepts empty input.
        if (node.empty && page.overlap(node.first, node.follow)) {
          self.message(, 'has overlapping first and follow sets (nt)');
          ++ self.greedy;
      else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Rep) {  // first and follow should not overlap
                             // delegate to descendant.
        if (page.overlap(node.first, node.follow)) {
          self.message(, 'has overlapping first and follow sets (rep)');
          ++ self.greedy;

      else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Seq) {  // first and follow should not overlap if it accepts empty input
                             // delegate to descendants.
        if (node.empty && page.overlap(node.first, node.follow)) {
          self.message(, 'has overlapping first and follow sets (seq)');
          ++ self.greedy;

        node.nodes.forEach(function (symbol) { visit(symbol); });
      else if (node instanceof page.BNF.T) {     // nothing to do
      else self.assert('__WHERE__');

    // check
    // delegate to rules' right-hand sides.
    self.ebnf.rules.forEach(function (rule) { visit(rule.symbol); });

  } else {
    self.bnf = _grammar;
    // import error count if any
    self.errors = self.bnf.errors; self.bnf.errors = 0;

    // check if BNF grammar is LL(1)
    self.bnf.nts.forEach(function (nt) {

      // first/follow if empty?
      if (nt.empty && page.overlap(nt.first, nt.follow)) {
        self.message(, 'has overlapping first and follow sets');
        ++ self.greedy;

      // alternatives?
      if (nt.rules.some(function (ruleA, a) {
              return nt.rules.slice(a + 1).some(function (ruleB) {
                return page.overlap(ruleA.first, ruleB.first);
          })) {
        self.message(, 'has ambiguous alternatives');
        ++ self.ambiguous;

page.baseclass(page.LL1, 'page.LL1');

/** Delegates to `.bnf` to create a function which tokenizes a string.
  * @param {string|RegExp} [_skip] a pattern to define ignorable character sequences;
  *   this pattern must not accept empty input and it must use `(:? )`
  *   rather than `( )` for grouping; the default is to skip white space.
  * @returns {Tokenizer} a function which takes a string and returns a list of {@link page.Tuple} elements.
  *   The list contains one tuple with the `error` token for each
  *   character which is neither ignorable nor a literal or part of a token.
  *   The function is based on a regular expression which can be displayed as a member `.pattern`.
  * @see page.BNF#tokenizer
page.LL1.prototype.tokenizer = function (_skip) {
  return this.bnf.tokenizer(_skip);

/** Displays number of errors and overlaps, if any.
  * @override
  * @returns {string}
page.LL1.prototype.toString = function () {
  var result = this.errors ? 'errors: ' + this.errors : '';

  if (this.greedy || this.ambiguous) {
    if (this.greedy > 0)
      result += '\nfirst/follow overlaps: ' + this.greedy;
    if (this.ambiguous > 0)
      result += '\nambiguous alternatives: ' + this.ambiguous;
  return result;

/** Displays errors, overlaps, and active rules and delegates to the grammar.
  * @override
  * @returns {string}
page.LL1.prototype.dump = function () {
  var result = this.toString();
  if (result.length > 0) result += '\n\n';
  if ('states' in this)
    result += 'active rules\n  ' +
      this.states.slice(1).concat([ ]).map(function (state) {
        return state.rule.toString(state.position);
      }).join('\n  ') + '\n\n';

  if ('values' in this)
    result += 'collected values\n  ' + (values) {
        return '[ ' + values.join(', ') + ' ]';
      }).join('\n  ') + '\n\n';

  return result + (this.ebnf ? this.ebnf.dump() : this.bnf.dump());

/** Checks top-down if input conforms to a BNF grammar.
  * For an EBNF grammar this method uses the corresponding BNF grammar.
  * This method can be called repeatedly with portions of input.
  * | node | parse action |
  * |------|--------------|  
  * | {@link page.BNF.NT} | compare next input and `first` to visit the first possible rule for the non-terminal and return the result. It is an error if no rule can be visited and the non-terminal cannot accept no input.
  * | {@link page.BNF.Rule} | send a `'rule'` message to the observer if any; visit the descendants; send a `'reduce'` message. It is an error if the observer returns a string.
  * | {@link page.BNF.T} | send a `'shift'` message to the observer if any and advance in input. It is an error if the observer returns a string.
  * The method uses a stack of active rules and attempts error recovery.
  * If an input symbol cannot be matched, the parser function will search the rest of the current
  * and all outer active rules for a possible match with the input symbol.
  * If there is no match, the input symbol is discarded and the search is tried again
  * until an `irrecoverable error` is reported at end of input.
  * The method is greedy, i.e., it will match input to a rule as long as possible;
  * therefore, some types of ambiguous grammars are still suitable for parsing.
  * ##### Create parsers and scanner
  *     var parser = new page.LL1(page.BNF.from(' ... grammar described in BNF ...'));
  *     var parser = new page.LL1(page.EBNF.from(' ... grammar described in EBNF ...'));
  *     var scanner = parser.tokenizer(/ skip pattern /);
  * ##### Parse -- all input
  *     parser.parse(scanner('... input ...').concat([ null ]));
  * ##### Parse -- push tuples
  *     var result = parser.parse(scanner('... start of input ...'));
  *     while (result === true)
  *       result = parser.parse(scanner('... more input ...')); // eventually null input
  * ##### Parse a stream -- pull tuples
  *     function stream () { return scanner('... start/more input/null ...'); }
  *     parser.parse(stream);
  * ##### Trace
  *     parser.parse(stream, page.trace());
  * ##### Collect token values
  *     var result = parser.parse(stream, parser.reflect());
  *     print(result); // array with token values
  * ##### Create observer for traced building
  *     var environment = ... something useful for the builder ...;
  *     var builder = {
  *       ruleName: // matched by reflection
  *         function (_values, _environment, _tuple, _sender) {
  *           return ... anything
  *           throw string for error message
  *           throw Error with message to abort
  *         }
  *         ...
  *     };
  *     var observer = page.trace(parser.reflect(environment, builder));
  * ##### Build
  *     var result = parser.parse(stream, observer);
  *     print(result); // array with builder value(s)
  * @param {page.Tuple[]|Tokenizer} _input either the next portion of input
  *   and `null` or an empty array will match `$eof`, or a {@link Tokenizer} which will be called *without arguments*
  *   and each time must return the next portion of input, `null`, or an empty array.
  * @param {Observer} [_observer] to observe recognition;
  *   cannot be specified once parsing is in progress.
  * @returns {boolean|object} `true` to request another input array,
  *   or the top-level value (which could be `null`) returned by the observer, if any, when the end of input is reached.
  * @throws {Error} from the observer to abort parsing.
  * @see page.trace
page.LL1.prototype.parse = function (_input, _observer) {
  var self = this;      // closure

  var current = null;   // current input tuple, if any
  var tuples = [];      // available tuples
  var index = 0;        // index of next tuple
  // set current to a new tuple, but not past $eof
  // throw true to ask for more input
  function next () {
    if (index >= tuples.length) {         // no tuples left
      if (typeof _input == 'function')    // call back for more
        tuples = _input();
      else if (_input) {                  // consume argument
        tuples = _input;
        _input = false;
      } else if (_input === false)        // throw true for more input
        throw true; 
      else                                // null input: EOF
        tuples = null;
      if (!tuples || tuples.length == 0)  // EOF
        tuples = [ new page.Tuple(0, self.bnf.lit(), '') ];
      index = 0;

    // use 'index' tuple
    if ((current = tuples[index]) == null)
      current = tuples[index] = new page.Tuple(0, self.bnf.lit(), '');
    // advance index (to later tokenize more) but don't run past $eof tuple
    if (current.t != self.bnf.lit()) ++ index;

  // inform observer, if any
  // if error action: print result or info if any; return null
  // rethrow Error; return result or null
  function observe (_action, _info) {
    var result = _action == 'error' ? _info : null;
    var at = _action == 'rule' ? _info.index :;
    if (
      try {
         result =, current, _action, _info, self);
       } catch (e) {
         if (typeof e == 'string')
         else {
           self.assert('__WHERE__', e instanceof Error)
           throw 'lineNumber' in e ? new Error('('+e.lineNumber+') ' + e.message) : e;
    if (_action == 'error') {
      if (result) self.error(result);
      return null;
    return result;
  // if current input matches somewhere in
  //   _config state stack element
  // set elements position accordingly and return true.
  function recover (_config) {
    for (var pos = _config.position; pos < _config.rule.symbols.length; ++ pos)
      if (current.t.ord in _config.rule.symbols[pos].first) {
        _config.position = pos;
        return true;
    return false;
  self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _input != 'boolean');

  if ('states' in self) {
    // multiple calls in progress, only for tuple array, no new observer
    !_input || self.assert('__WHERE__', _input instanceof Array);
    self.assert('__WHERE__', !_observer);

  } else {
    !_input || self.assert('__WHERE__', _input instanceof Array || typeof _input == 'function');
    !_observer || self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _observer == 'function');
    if (_observer) = _observer;
    // begin parsing: create stack and initialize top to rule 0
    self.states = [ null ]; = { rule: self.bnf.rules[0], position: 0 };
    observe('rule', self.bnf.rules[0]);
  try {
    var result = null, throttle = false;
    loop: while ( {  // any active rule?
      if (! current)          // input available?
      if ( < {  // symbol on rhs left?
        var symbol =[];
        if (symbol instanceof page.BNF.T) {  // terminal?
          if (symbol == current.t) {         // equal to input?
            observe('shift', symbol);
            ++;            // done with symbol
            current = null;                  // done with input
            throttle = false;                // allow messages
            continue loop;
        } else if (current.t.ord in symbol.first) {   // non-terminal, input in first?
            if (symbol.rules.some(function (rule) {   // input in first of some rule?
                  if (current.t.ord in rule.first) {
                    observe('rule', rule);
                    ++;             // done with symbol
                    self.states.push(;       // activate rule
           = { rule: rule, position: 0 };
                    return true;
                  return false;
              continue loop;
            self.assert('__WHERE__');  // cannot happen: input must be in one of the first sets

        } else if (symbol.empty && current.t.ord in symbol.follow) { // empty input ok?
          ++;  // done with symbol
          continue loop;

        if (!throttle) {
          // produce a message listing expected symbols in symbol.first along the rule
          var msg = current + ' is not allowed in "'+ + '"\nexpecting:';
          var expect = {};
          for (var p =; p <; ++ p) {
            var s =[p];
            page.merge(expect, s.first);
            if (!s.empty) break;
          if (p >= page.merge(expect,;
          for (var e in expect) msg += ' ' + expect[e];
          // run the message past the observer (which may throw a string).
          observe('error', msg);
          throttle = true;

        // try to recover back to the bottom of the stack.
        if (recover( continue loop;
        for (var s = self.states.length; -- s > 0; )
          if (recover(self.states[s])) {
   = self.states[s];
            self.states = self.states.slice(0, s);
            continue loop;
        // if unable, discard current input (which may cause subsequent messages).
        self.message('discarding ' + current);
        current = null;

      } else {  // no symbol on rhs left, done with rule
        result = observe('reduce',; = self.states.pop();
    throw [ result ];
  } catch (outcome) {
    if (outcome === true) return true;
    // end parsing: remove stack
    delete self.states;
    delete self.values;
    if (outcome instanceof Array) return outcome[0];
    self.assert('__WHERE__', outcome instanceof Error);
    throw 'lineNumber' in outcome ? new Error('('+outcome.lineNumber+') ' + outcome.message) : outcome;

/** Checks top-down if input conforms to an EBNF or BNF grammar.
  * Starting with the start symbol, this method recursively visits the grammar.
  * A node will only be visited if the next input symbol
  * is in the set of first terminals of the node.
  * | node | parse action |
  * |------|--------------|  
  * | {@link page.EBNF.NT} | delegate to the corresponding rule.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Rule} | send a `'rule'` message to the observer if any; visit the descendant; send a `'reduce'` message. It is an error if the observer returns a string.         
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Alt} | visit the first possible alternative and return the result.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Lst} | visit the body and then delimiter and body as often as possible and allowed; return an error if there are not enough iterations, or return the last result or the first string returned by the descendant.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Rep} | visit the descendant as often as possible and allowed; return an error if there are not enough iterations, or return the last result or the first string returned by the descendant.
  * | {@link page.EBNF.Seq} | visit the descendants; return an error if a descendant cannot be visited, or return `null` or the first string returned by a descendant.
  * | {@link page.BNF.T} | send a `'shift'` message to the observer if any and advance in input. It is an error if the observer returns a string.
  * The method employs recursion, rather than a rule stack, and cannot perform deep error recovery.
  * The method is greedy, i.e., it will match input to a rule as long as possible;
  * therefore, some types of ambiguous grammars are still suitable for parsing.
  * ##### Create parsers and scanner
  *     var parser = new page.LL1(page.BNF.from(' ... grammar described in BNF ...'));
  *     var parser = new page.LL1(page.EBNF.from(' ... grammar described in EBNF ...'));
  *     var scanner = parser.tokenizer(/ skip pattern /);
  * ##### Parse string
  *     parser.parser(scanner('... input ...'));
  * ##### Parse a stream — pull tuples
  *     function stream () { return scanner('... start/more input/null ...'); }
  *     parser.parser(stream);
  * ##### Trace
  *     parser.parser(stream, page.trace());
  * ##### Collect token values
  *     var result = parser.parser(stream, parser.reflect());
  *     print(result); // array with token values
  * ##### Create observer for traced building
  *     var environment = ... something useful for the builder ...;
  *       ruleName: // matched by reflection
  *         function (_values, _environment, _tuple, _sender) {
  *           return ... anything
  *           throw string for error message
  *           throw Error with message to abort
  *         }
  *         ...
  *     };
  *     var observer = page.trace(parser.reflect(environment, builder));
  * ##### Build
  *     var result = parser.parser(stream, observer);
  *     print(result); // array with builder value(s)
  * @param {page.Tuple[]|Tokenizer} _input either the complete input
  *   or a {@link Tokenizer} which will be called *without arguments*
  *   and each time must return the next portion of input, `null`, or an empty array.
  * @param {Observer} [_observer] to observe recognition.
  * @returns {object} the top-level value (which could be `null`) returned by the observer, if any, when the end of input is reached.
  * @throws {Error} from the observer to abort parsing.
  * @see page.trace
page.LL1.prototype.parser = function (_input, _observer) {
  var self = this;

  self.assert('__WHERE__', _input instanceof Array || typeof _input == 'function');
  !_observer || self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _observer == 'function');
  if (_observer) = _observer;
  // begin parsing
  self.errors = 0;

  var grammar = self.ebnf ? self.ebnf : self.bnf;  // grammar to use
  var current = null;                              // current input tuple, if any
  var currentRule = undefined;                     // index of current rule for observer
  var tuples = [];                                 // available tuples
  var index = 0;                                   // index of next tuple to become current
  // set current to a new tuple, but not past $eof
  function next () {
    if (index >= tuples.length) {         // no tuples left
      if (typeof _input == 'function')    // call back for more
        tuples = _input();
      else if (_input) {                  // consume argument
        tuples = _input;
        _input = false;
      } else                              // consumed; set EOF
        tuples = null;
      if (!tuples || tuples.length == 0)  // EOF
        tuples = [ new page.Tuple(0, grammar.lit(), '') ];
      index = 0;

    // use 'index' tuple
    if ((current = tuples[index]) == null)
      current = tuples[index] = new page.Tuple(0, grammar.lit(), '');
    // advance index (to later tokenize more) but don't run past $eof tuple
    if (current.t != grammar.lit()) ++ index;

  // if rule or reduce action: set currentRule
  // inform observer, if any
  // if error action: print result or info if any; return null
  // rethrow Error; return result or null
  function observe (_action, _info) {
    var result = _action == 'error' ? _info : null;
    if (_action == 'rule' || _action == 'reduce') currentRule = _info.index;
    if (
      try {
         result =, current, _action, _info, self);
       } catch (e) {
         if (typeof e == 'string')
         else {
           self.assert('__WHERE__', e instanceof Error)
           throw 'lineNumber' in e ? new Error('('+e.lineNumber+') ' + e.message) : e;
    if (_action == 'error') {
      if (result) self.error(result);
      return null;
    return result;
  // produce a message listing expected symbols
  //   context 'this' node being visited
  //   node to check for first and (if exists) follow
  //   follow of context to abandon visit
  // run the message past the observer (which may throw a string).
  // else discard input until current input fits one of
  //   return 1  for follow if any
  //   return 0  for node.follow if any
  //   return -1 for node.first
  // or if $eof doesn't fit, throw irrecoverable error
  function expecting (context, node, follow) {
    var msg = current + ' is not allowed in "'+ context + '"\nexpecting:';
    var expect = {};
    page.merge(expect, node.first);
    if (node.empty && node.follow) page.merge(node.follow);
    for (var e in expect) msg += ' ' + expect[e];
    observe('error', msg);

    while (current.t != grammar.lit()) {         // don't go past $eof
      if (node.follow && current.t.ord in node.follow)
        return 0;                                // bypass the node
      if (follow && current.t.ord in follow)
        return 1;                                // terminate visit
      next();                                    // discard current input
      if (current.t.ord in node.first)           // new input fits?
        return -1;                               // retry the node!
    throw new Error(current + ' irrecoverable error');  // crash

  // visitor, implements closure for each class
  // invariant is NOT to visit unless current.t.ord in first
  // returns result from observing a rule reduce action
  function visit (node) {
    self.assert('__WHERE__', current.t.ord in node.first);
    if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Alt) {        // visit first possible choice
      if (! node.nodes.some(function (choice) {
              if (current.t.ord in choice.first) {
                return true;
              return false;
    else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Lst) {   // alternately visit body and delimiter
      loop: for (;;) {
        if (current.t.ord in node.node.first)                             // try term
        else if (node.node.empty && current.t.ord in node.delim.first) {  // empty term, can do delim                                   
        } else                                                            // botched term
          switch (expecting(node, node.node, node.follow)) {
          case -1: continue loop;                                         // ready for term
          case 0:
            if (current.t.ord in node.delim.first) break;                 // ready for delim
          case 1:
            break loop;                                                   // done with list
        if (current.t.ord in node.delim.first)                            // try delim
        else if (node.delim.empty && current.t.ord in node.node.first) {  // empty delim, can do term
        } else break loop;                                                // can't continue                                            
    else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.NT) {    // visit rule
    else if (node instanceof page.BNF.NT) {     // visit first possible rule
      if (! node.rules.some(function (rule) {
              if (current.t.ord in rule.first) {
                return true;
              return false;
    else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Rep) {   // visit body one or more times
      while (!node.max && current.t.ord in node.first);
    else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Rule) {  // 'rule', visit right-hand side, 'reduce', return observer value
      // rule message
      observe('rule', node);
      // visit right-hand side
      // reduce message
      return observe('reduce', node);
    else if (node instanceof page.BNF.Rule) {   // 'rule', visit right-hand side, 'reduce', return observer value
      // rule message
      observe('rule', node);
      // visit right-hand side
      loop: for (var s = 0; s < node.symbols.length; ++ s) {
        var symbol = node.symbols[s]
        if (current.t.ord in symbol.first)
        else if (symbol.empty && current.t.ord in symbol.follow) {
        } else
          switch (expecting(node, symbol, node.follow)) {
          case 1:
            break loop;
          case -1: // retry
            -- s;
          case 0: // move on
            continue loop;
      // reduce message
      return observe('reduce', node);
    else if (node instanceof page.EBNF.Seq) {   // visit each possible descendant
      loop: for (var n = 0; n < node.nodes.length; ++ n) {
        var symbol = node.nodes[n]
        if (current.t.ord in symbol.first)
        else if (symbol.empty && current.t.ord in symbol.follow) {
        } else
          switch (expecting(node, symbol, node.follow)) {
          case 1:
            break loop;
          case -1: // retry
            -- n;
          case 0: // move on
            continue loop;
    else if (node instanceof page.BNF.T) {      // 'shift', advance in input
      // shift message
      observe('shift', node);
      // advance in input
    else self.assert('__WHERE__');

  try { // call/cc: throw [ result ] to return result from the parser
    // move to first tuple

    // top-level visit
    if (current.t.ord in grammar.rules[0].first
        || expecting(grammar.rules[0], grammar.rules[0]) == -1)
      throw [ visit(grammar.rules[0]) ];
    throw new Error(current + ' irrecoverable error');
  } catch (outcome) { // return outcome[0] from parser or rethrow (e.g., assert)
    // end parsing
    delete self.values;
    if (outcome instanceof Array) return outcome[0];
    self.assert('__WHERE__', outcome instanceof Error);
    throw 'lineNumber' in outcome ? new Error('('+outcome.lineNumber+') ' + outcome.message) : outcome;

/** Creates a function which can observe {@link page.LL1#parse} or {@link page.LL1#parser}.
  * The observer function collects a list of all token values and gives each rule a chance to structure the list of values
  * collected for the rule. It maintains a stack of value lists as follows:
  * | action | effect |
  * |--------|--------|
  * | `'rule'` | pushes the stack with an empty value list and returns `null`.
  * | `'shift'` | ignores a current literal or pushes the current token's associated string value onto the top-level value list and returns `null`.
  * | `'reduce'` | pops the top-level value list, interacts with `_obj` if possible, or concatenates the list to the next level value list and returns that.
  * | `'error'` | returns the error message.
  * For `'reduce'`, if a property with the rule's non-terminal's name can be found through `_obj`,
  * it should be a {@link Builder} function which is then called with `_env` and the popped top-level value list
  * which contains the values collected for the rule in order.
  * If the result is an array it is concatenated to the next level value list;
  * otherwise the result is pushed onto the next level value list.
  * This new list is returned by the observer.
  * The name of the non-terminal is searched in the properties of `_obj` or by inheritance, i.e.,
  * if one property name is `{}` it's associated value is searched recursively.
  * @param {object} [_env] environment, passed through to the functions found through the properties in `_obj`.
  * @param {object} [_obj] collection of {@link Builder} functions, i.e., semantic actions.
  * @returns {Observer} a function to observe a parser.
  * @see page.trace
page.LL1.prototype.reflect = function (_env, _obj) {
  var self = this;

  // closure
  return function (_at, _tuple, _action, _info, _sender) {
    self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _at == 'number');
    self.assert('__WHERE__', _tuple instanceof page.Tuple);
    self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _action == 'string');
    !_info || self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _info == 'string'
                          || _info instanceof page.BNF.Rule || _info instanceof page.BNF.T);
    self.assert('__WHERE__', _sender === self);
    if (!('values' in self)) 
      self.values = [[]];  // stack of value lists with empty sentinel
    switch (_action) {
    case 'rule': // push a new value list
      return null;

    case 'shift': // terminal
      self.assert('__WHERE__', self.values.length > 0);
      if (_tuple.t instanceof page.BNF.Token)
        // push top-level value list with associated string
      return null;
    case 'reduce': // rule
      self.assert('__WHERE__', self.values.length > 1);
      self.assert('__WHERE__', _info instanceof page.BNF.Rule);

      // pop top-level value list
      var top = self.values.pop();
      // reflect
      for (var o = _obj; o; o = o['{}'])
        if ( in o) {
          top = o[](top, _env, _tuple, _sender);
      // attach result to the end of the new top-level list
      self.values.push(self.values.pop().concat(top instanceof Array ? top : [ top ]));
      // return new value list
      return top;

    case 'error': // report a message
      self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _info == 'string');
      return _info;