Source: SLR1/Action.js

"use strict";

/** @fileOverview Implements `class page.SLR1.Action`.
  * @author Axel T. Schreiner <>
  * @version 1.5.0

/** Creates a new action.
  * @class Represents an action of the SLR(1) automaton.
  * @private
  * @param {string} _action one of `'accept'`, `'goto'`, `'reduce'`, or `'shift'`.
  * @param {page.BNF.T|page.BNF.NT} _symbol symbol on which to take the action.
  * @param {page.BNF.T|page.BNF.Rule} [_info] additional information.
  * @property {string} action one of `'accept'`, `'error'`, `'goto'`, `'reduce'`, or `'shift'`.
  * @property {page.BNF.T|page.BNF.NT} symbol symbol on which to take the action.
  * @property {Number|page.BNF.Rule} info additional information, if any.
page.SLR1.Action = function (_action, _symbol, _info) {  
  this.action = _action;
  this.symbol = _symbol; = _info;

page.baseclass(page.SLR1.Action, 'page.SLR1.Action');

/** Displays symbol, action, and additional information if any.
  * @returns {string}
page.SLR1.Action.prototype.toString = function () {
  var result = (this.symbol + '             ').substr(0, 13) + this.action;

  switch (this.action) {
    case 'goto':
    case 'shift':  result += ' ' +; break;
    case 'reduce': result += ' (' + + ')'; break;
  return result;