Source: SLR1/State.js

"use strict";

/** @fileOverview Implements `class page.SLR1.State`.
  * @author Axel T. Schreiner <>
  * @version 1.5.0

/** Creates a representation for a new state of the SLR(1) automaton.
  * @class Represents a state of the SLR(1) automaton.
  * @private
  * @param {page.SLR1.Config[]} _configs core and closure defining this state.
  * @param {number} _core number of marked rules in the core.
  * @param {Map} _actions maps possible next symbols to <tt>null</tt>.
  * @property {page.SLR1.Config[]} configs core and closure defining this state.
  * @property {number} core number of marked rules in the core.
  * @property {Map} actions maps possible next symbols to actions.
page.SLR1.State = function (_configs, _core, _actions) {
  this.configs = _configs;
  this.core = _core;
  this.actions = _actions;

page.baseclass(page.SLR1.State, 'page.SLR1.State');

/** Displays core configurations and actions.
  * @returns {string}
page.SLR1.State.prototype.toString = function () {
  return this.dump(true);

/** Displays all configurations and actions.
  * @param {boolean} _core if true, only displays core configurations.
  * @returns {string}
page.SLR1.State.prototype.dump = function (_core) {
  var result = '  ' + (_core ? this.configs.slice(0, this.core) : this.configs).map(function (config) {
        return config.toString();    
      }).join('\n  ') + '\n';
  for (var a in this.actions)
    result += '\n  ' + this.actions[a];
  return result;

/** Compares a core of marked rules to this state's core.
  * @param {page.SLR1.Config[]} _core to compare to <tt>this</tt>.
  * @returns true if this state has the same core (in any order).
page.SLR1.State.prototype.equals = function (_core) {
  this.assert('__WHERE__', _core instanceof Array);
  _core.forEach(function (config) { this.assert('__WHERE__', config instanceof page.SLR1.Config); }, this);

  // same core sizes?
  return this.core == _core.length &&

  // same elements?
    this.configs.slice(0, this.core).every(function (a) {
      return _core.some(function (b) {
        return a.equals(b);

/** Creates and populates the state/symbol/action table. Fills in `reduce` for
  * complete configurations, `shift` for terminals, `accept`
  * for the end of input terminal, and `goto` for non-terminals.
  * For conflict resolution see {@link page.SLR1}.
  * @param {page.SLR1} _factory the keeper of the state table, factory for new states.
  * @param {number} _stateNumber this state's number.
page.SLR1.State.prototype.advance = function (_factory, _stateNumber) {
  var self = this;
  self.assert('__WHERE__', _factory instanceof page.SLR1);
  self.assert('__WHERE__', typeof _stateNumber == 'number');

  // following construction, actions maps every literal/token/non-terminal
  // which can follow this state to null.

  // create reduce actions for complete configurations
  self.configs.forEach(function (config) {
    if (config.complete) {
      var rule = config.rule;          // rule we are in
      // for each terminal which can follow the rule in the grammar
      for (var t in rule.nt.follow) {  // ordinal number
        var f = rule.nt.follow[t];     // terminal which can follow
        if (!(t in self.actions)) {    // can it follow in this state?
          // if t is not in actions it cannot follow this state -> reduce
          rule.reduced = true;
          self.actions[t] = _factory.reduce(f, rule);
        } else if (self.actions[t] == null)
          // if (t, null) is in action, depending on precedences we might have a s/r conflict

          if (rule.prec && 'prec' in f)            // rule and terminal have defined precedence

            if (rule.prec.level > f.prec.level) {  // rule's precedence is higher -> reduce
              rule.reduced = true;
              self.actions[t] = _factory.reduce(f, rule);

            } else if (rule.prec.level < f.prec.level) {
                                                   // rule's precedence is lower -> shift (below)
            } else                                 // equal precedence
              switch (rule.prec.assoc) {
              case 'left':                         // left-associative -> reduce
                rule.reduced = true;
                self.actions[t] = _factory.reduce(f, rule);

              case 'right':                        // right-associative -> shift

              case 'nonassoc':                     // non-associative -> error action
                rule.reduced = true;               // avoid message
                delete self.actions[t];            // i.e. f as input would be an error

          else {                                   // no precedence available
            self.message('state', _stateNumber, 'has a shift/reduce conflict:', f, 'and rule', '(' + rule + ')');
          }                                        // -> shift (below)
        else {
          // t is in actions then actions[t] is already set as a reduce
          self.assert('__WHERE__', self.actions[t] instanceof page.SLR1.Action 
                                   && self.actions[t].action == 'reduce'
                                   && self.actions[t].info instanceof page.BNF.Rule);
          var r2 = self.actions[t].info; // the conflict
          ++ _factory.rr;
          self.message('state', _stateNumber, 'for', f, 'reduce/reduce conflict between', '(' + rule + ')', 'and', '(' + r2 + ')');
          // resolve for rule which is first in the grammar
          if (rule.index < r2.index) self.actions[t].info = rule;
        } // done with this t
      } // done with every t which can follow
    } // done with every complete configuration
  // create accept/shift actions for each next symbol which has none
  for (var a in self.actions)
    if (self.actions[a] == null)
      if (a == _factory.bnf.lit().ord) {
        // special case: $eof
        self.actions[a] = _factory.accept();
        _factory.bnf.rules[0].reduced = true;
      } else {
        // create next core by advancing marker over one symbol
        var next = [ ];
        var symbol = null;
        self.configs.forEach(function (config) {
          // find a as next symbol in all configs
          if (!config.complete && a == config.rule.symbols[config.position].ord) {
            // remember symbol and push config with marker after symbol
            symbol = config.rule.symbols[config.position];
        self.assert('__WHERE__', next.length > 0 && symbol);
        // add new state with next as core, if any
        // shift/goto existent or new state
        if (!_factory.states.some(
              function (state, s) {
                if (!state.equals(next)) return false;
                self.actions[a] = _factory.shift_or_goto(symbol, s);
                return true;
              })) {
          self.actions[a] = _factory.shift_or_goto(symbol, _factory.states.length);
  for (var a in self.actions) self.assert('__WHERE__', self.actions[a]);